5) Use time management tools.
If you're a paper person or a computer person, there are tools to help you manage your time. Think Day-Timers, Outlook, iCal, Google Calendar, etc. Some people find scheduling their week in advance is helpful, others do it each evening or first thing every morning. The key is to stick to it, at least 80%.
6) Prioritize!
Every day, look at your tasks on hand and no matter how many you have on your list, prioritize them. How many truly need to be accomplished THAT day? Be realistic, so that when you don't carry out your entire list, you're not disappointed or overwhelmed over it.
7) Learn to delegate and/or outsource.
Are there tasks on your list that can be accomplished by someone else? I know that especially women seem to have the "I can do it all myself' attitude. Is there something that a spouse or significant other can help with, even if that person might need some initial training on the task? I know sometimes it's easier just to do it ourselves, but at some point we have to put the trust in another to help out and know that it will be done right.
8) Try to stick to a routine as much as possible.
While crises will arise, you'll be much more productive if you can follow routines most of the time. Again, try to stick to your schedule by at least 80%.
9) Set time limits for your tasks.
For instance, reading and answering email can consume your whole day if you let it, especially with the amount of chain emails and junk email we get. Instead, set a limit of one hour a day for this task and stick to it. I have made a habit of not forwarding chain emails, and I notice that because I don't send them, I don't really get them, nor do I get much of the junk emails anymore.
10) Be sure your systems are organized.
Are you wasting a lot of time looking for files on your computer? Take the time to organize a file management system. Is your filing system slowing you down? Redo it, so it's organized to the point that you can quickly lay your hands on what you need.
11) Don't waste time waiting.
From client meetings to dentist appointments, it's impossible to avoid waiting for someone or something. But you don't need to just sit there and twiddle your thumbs. Always take something to do with you, such as a report you need to read, a checkbook that needs to be balanced, or just a blank pad of paper that you can use to plan your next marketing campaign. Technology makes it easy to work wherever you are; your PDA and/or cell phone will help you stay connected.
can be in control and accomplish what you want to accomplish - once you've come to grips with the time management myth and taken control of your time.
I was 3 weeks behind in our budget, which is SO not like me, but I managed to get it caught up on the plane. |
Almost a 3 hour plane ride came in handy to get caught up on our budget |